Monday, April 11, 2011

Wow, that's the ID!

Last spring when I applied for a research grant in Miami and a TAship in Paris, I never expected to get both—but I did. Somebody else, somebody without children, would have been doing the can-can and sipping a mojito out of sheer joy; I, on the other hand, went numb. It wasn’t just the sudden tingling in my legs that scared me, but the supraventricular tachycardia that really put a spin on the whole thing. How was I going to pull this off?! I couldn’t leave the girls behind, so there was no other choice: they had to come along and come along they did—along with goggles, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, pull-ups and disposable swimming trunks, floaties, and favorite pillows, pillow pets and anything and everything that would make them feel comfortable and safe while away for the summer in Miami. The offer letter from UM came first and, even though I had about three months ahead of me, I started packing that day. The offer for Paris came shortly after—needless to say, I made sure not to miss my Thursday afternoon acupuncture and started regular breathing exercises to combat stress. Here is a sample of my to-do list:

1.      Decide what to do.
2.      Accept grant.
3.      Find childcare for both girls.
4.      Find a place to live.
5.      Get physical for each girl so that once you find childcare, you will be able to enroll them without a problem.
6.      Make a budget.
7.      Purchase plane tickets.
8.      Begin thinking of a plan.
9.      Alert all family and friends in Miami that you are coming.
10.  Make sure not to offend anybody but tell everyone that you will not be staying with them. It’s the only way you’ll do it.
11.  Paris
12.  You cannot do it alone, so recruit family or friend.
13.  Pretend that you are not stressed out about this and try to do it well.
14.  Find out what you will need.
15.  Make a plan.
16.  Make a plan.
17.  Make a plan.
18.  Pretend that you are not stressed out about this and try to do it well.
19.  Start packing—you are already behind and, at this rate, you may miss the plane.
20.  Prepare for the trip!
21.  Prepare for the trip!
22.  Prepare for the trip!
23.  Purchase tickets
24.  Find a place to live
25.  Remember acupuncture
26.  And breathe

To be continued…

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